
By: chiara Posted on: October 14, 2022

The term “cookie” marks a small alphanumeric text file that is located on the server of the website we want to visit and that is stored on the user’s device when he visits the website.

The main objective of cookies is to collect information to offer a simpler, faster and more personalized browsing experience.

For example, cookies allow you to find the products in the cart once you have finished browsing the e-commerce or allow you to log into social media without entering your username and password at each new session.

In conclusion, cookies are essential both to simplify user navigation and to allow companies to profile users of the domain they own.

Cookies, based on their duration, are divided into:

  • Session cookies: they are stored only as long as the browser is open
  • Persistent cookies: they have a predetermined duration and are saved in the user’s PC memory when browsing the website

For some years now, it has become mandatory for website operators to request consent from users for data collection!