

chiara March 15, 2023

Instagram founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, have launched a new social network in beta It is called “Artifact” and has been defined “the new Tik Tok for text”:...

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Funnel Marketing

Funnel Marketing

chiara October 21, 2022

Funnel marketing is a funnel-shaped model that conveys the audience in a four-step path that will lead them to become a loyal customer. AWARENESS: In this phase the first...

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KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

chiara October 18, 2022

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are indicators that allow you to measure the performance and / or results of an activity. Selecting the right KPIs allows managers to make intelligent...

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chiara October 14, 2022

The term “cookie” marks a small alphanumeric text file that is located on the server of the website we want to visit and that is stored on the user’s...

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chiara September 20, 2022

Storytelling Talking about social media, the interaction with our users and followers is often a bit lacking. One of the main problems is that we don’t know how to...

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chiara September 13, 2022

Neuromarketing is a discipline born from the fusion of science, economics and psychology. The goal is to study the response of customer’s brain when it is exposed to stimuli...

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chiara April 29, 2022

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is based on the keyword position on search engine, but the ranking for target keywords isn’t simple or direct. Until 2013 the writers thought it...

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The Metaverse

chiara April 27, 2022

What is the “metaverse” and how does business change? It’s difficult to define the term “metaverse”, because it doesn’t refer to any specific type of technology, but rather a...

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Editorial Plan

chiara April 19, 2022

The editorial plan is a document that anyone who wants to give a coherent image of their brand creates and, above all, organize their contents in order to tell...

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STORYTELLING: make your own story memorable and shareable!

Giulia Ognibene October 26, 2021

To create an effective brand communication we need to connect consumer needs to product/services features and value, using storytelling techniques. Communication is often limited to listing the main characteristics...

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