KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are indicators that allow you to measure the performance and / or results of an activity. Selecting the right KPIs allows managers to make intelligent...
Read moreKPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are indicators that allow you to measure the performance and / or results of an activity. Selecting the right KPIs allows managers to make intelligent...
Read moreThe NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital asset that represents a real world object, encoded using software to be purchased and sold online. The peculiarity of NFTs is that...
Read moreTelemedicine is the exchange of medical information from one location to another using digital communication, which improves patient health status. The real convenience of telemedicine is that patients don’t...
Read moreArtificial intelligence studies the design techniques of hardware systems and creates software capable of completing actions that appear to belong exclusively to human intelligence. Could become a viable solution...
Read moreA winning CRM map needs to be based on horizontal and vertical flows that include all departments simultaneously. It has to be based on an inside-out approach which allow...
Read moreThe 5 high level business impacts that data and analytics leaders can create using AI projects are: EXPLORATION: unknown transformative patterns in data.INNOVATION: promote new business idea based on...
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