Funnel Marketing

Funnel Marketing

chiara October 21, 2022

Funnel marketing is a funnel-shaped model that conveys the audience in a four-step path that will lead them to become a loyal customer. AWARENESS: In this phase the first...

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KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

chiara October 18, 2022

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are indicators that allow you to measure the performance and / or results of an activity. Selecting the right KPIs allows managers to make intelligent...

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Brand Reputation

Brand Reputation

chiara October 7, 2022

It might be hard to uniquely define “Brand Reputation”: it is a multidimensional construct that refers to a set of expectations, perceptions and audience rating of the company. Brand...

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chiara September 20, 2022

Storytelling Talking about social media, the interaction with our users and followers is often a bit lacking. One of the main problems is that we don’t know how to...

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chiara September 13, 2022

Neuromarketing is a discipline born from the fusion of science, economics and psychology. The goal is to study the response of customer’s brain when it is exposed to stimuli...

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digital strategy

Digital Strategy

chiara June 24, 2022

Digital strategy is an essential element for the success of a company. It is basic to create a corporate presence on the web through the use of online tools...

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artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

chiara May 5, 2022

Artificial intelligence studies the design techniques of hardware systems and creates software capable of completing actions that appear to belong exclusively to human intelligence. Could become a viable solution...

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Editorial Plan

chiara April 19, 2022

The editorial plan is a document that anyone who wants to give a coherent image of their brand creates and, above all, organize their contents in order to tell...

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How does digital advertising data change in 2021?

Giulia Ognibene July 23, 2021

According to the latest adex benchmark based on European data, investments in online advertising would have grown by about 6.3% compared to last year. A positive trend in constant increase...

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